Sunday, January 26, 2014

Cover Characteristics #4 - Ethnic Characters

Cover Characteristic is a weekly meme hosted by Sugar & Snark.  Each week they pick a characteristic and then all the participants choose 5 of their favorite cover's with that characteristic.  

I am going to try to pick books from my own library to fit the weekly characteristic whenever it's possible and this week's characteristic is:  Ethnic Characters

Here's what I've come up with from my Goodreads Shelves: 

Guardian of Eden by Leslie Dubois (on my TBR list)
Oh Babe Yes by Kenneth Burrel (on my TBR list)
Ain't No Sunshine by Leslie Dubois (on my read list)
Reclaim My Heart by Donna Fasano  (on my read list)


Jack & Diane by Lena Hampton (on my TBR list) 
Let me know what you think of my covers! 


  1. These are all new titles to me. Thanks for adding a few new books to my TBR list. LOL!

  2. Some covers I have never seen! Great picks!
    Thanks for joining in last week :)

    Sugar & Snark
